Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Memoirist of the Month: March 2016 — Barbara Quintiliano

“I really have to work at ‘packaging’ intimate thoughts and feelings so that they can be shared with a larger audience. Writing sixes has allowed me to do a bit more of that … sort of six-word baby steps toward wider communication.”

Name: Barbara Quintiliano
Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
SMITH Member Since: March 2013 

Whether Barbara Quintiliano is talking about freedom of expression or freedom from anxiety, liberty is at the heart of her thoughts—and her profile name: liberata. Spirituality and philosophy (“New spiritual diet: giving up guilt” and “Act of faith: believing in yourself”) are common themes in Barbara’s memoirs. But it’s her love of music and movement (“Pitbull, Puccini… so I like variety!”) that earn her the unofficial title of resident Zumba ambassador (“Danced away the blues at Zumba”). Congratulations to Barbara Quintiliano as our Memoirist of the Month for March 2016 — the same month she celebrates her third anniversary with Six Words. As Barbara answers our Six Questions, you’ll understand how she quickly came into the fold here:

How did you first hear about Six-Word Memoirs?
I really don’t remember! But now I check the site almost every morning, right after checking my email, and I visit several times during the day and evening. I’m definitely addicted to reading Six-Word Memoirs! Lately I’ve been adding six-word backstories to my memoirs. I think someone called them “after sixes.” Only occasionally have I written more extensive backstories. I sometimes add images and I often include links to YouTube music that I enjoy.

I’ve exchanged messages with a few memoirists and will be very happy when that feature is working again. Posting comments is a lot of fun too…almost as much fun as reading comments others leave for me.

Finally, I feel so honored to have one of my sixes (“Don’t make life a preemptive strike.”) featured in the latest Six-Word Memoirs book, The Best Advice in Six Words

When did you start writing and what have been turning points in your creative life?
I’ve been mostly a journal writer and pen pal all my life — with the advent of email, I’m a cyberpal, too. I’m most comfortable writing to a single reader or to myself. I really have to work at “packaging” intimate thoughts and feelings so that they can be shared with a larger audience. Writing sixes has allowed me to do a bit more of that…sort of six-word baby steps toward wider communication. Other than that, I write a bit of poetry now and then. I started a blog about ten years ago, although I haven’t done much posting the last couple of years. My blog posts tend to chronicle my human rights activities and spiritual reflections.

Now that you’ve prompted me to think about it, I’ve had some very sharp linguistic turning points in my writing life. During those periods when I was intensely reading and studying French, I wrote my personal journals exclusively in French. Once I completed my master’s, I moved on to other interests and my journaling naturally returned to English.

Which authors do you enjoy or admire, including writers on Six-Word Memoirs?
Oh, so many. Usually whatever author I’m reading at the moment is my favorite creative writer. I also enjoy reading books of a more spiritual nature: feminist theology, Quakerism, Gospel scholarship, peace and justice issues.

On Six Words, standouts include Silken, Solstice, ADHDean (for his Random Word of the Day challenges), Loon and BanjoDan (what humor!), jl333 (who makes me appreciate the everyday, ordinary wonders), and many others who have left me encouraging comments.

Can you share a favorite Six-Word Memoir, or other story of yours on SMITH and tell us why it’s meaningful to you?
60 years living inside my head.” That’s me in a (nut)shell. Trying to emerge, trying to get out of myself and find connection with others. There’s a poem, written by the French author Andrée Chedid. The title, “La femme des longues patiences,” means, roughly translated: “The long-patient woman. It’s about women growing, evolving…ever so slowly and ever focused, never losing patience.” That’s me.

photo2When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time and what do you enjoy doing?
I live in a suburb of Philadelphia, where I’m a research librarian at a university and really enjoy working with college students. I’m married and have two sons (“Two sons: deep spirit, free spirit.”). First and foremost, I enjoy going to Zumba class (even reading might take a back seat!), walking, getting together with friends, listening to music, especially classical music and opera. Zumba is my lifeline to today’s music — my son was really impressed that I knew Pitbull! I’m also passionate about human rights and have been a member of a local Amnesty International group for ten or more years. Currently I’m taking a turn at coordinator.

Finally, Barbara Quintiliano, what are your Six Words for today?
“Think I’ve finally found my genre.”


  • Susan_Breeden
    March 1, 2016

    Congratulations on being Memoirist of the Month! Well-deserved and long overdue, that’s for sure. I truly enjoyed learning more about you, and look forward to enjoying many, many more of your wonderful sixes!

  • enginethatcould
    March 1, 2016

    Delighted to get to know you a bit better through your bio, and thrilled to see you honored as Memoirist of the Month. Congratulations, I so enjoy your memoirs and look forward to many more!

  • jl333
    March 1, 2016

    Well, well, well. So nice to meet the face behind the lady who likes Pitbull! KAPOW! Great to learn more about you. And because of you, I’m going to have to one day see what this Zumba stuff is all about! Wonderful to be able to put a face to your profile name! Cheers

  • JAD
    March 1, 2016

    Congratulations! on this honor, quite deserving for sure.

  • liberata
    March 1, 2016

    Thanks, everyone! This was such a thrill. I LOVE Six Words!

  • Neesha
    March 1, 2016

    Big congrats to you. I love your Sixes. Keep ’em coming!

  • Jugggler
    March 1, 2016

    Congratulations Barbara!

    Love your focus: “No sonnets, no limericks, just sixes”

    Waiting to read the rest of your oeuvre.

  • Solstice
    March 1, 2016

    What a great interview!! So happy to learn about you, liberata!! And what a beautiful photo!! I’m with JAD. Been thinking about Zumba…..:) figured it’s the best way to keep current with music!
    Congratulations!!! Enjoy your month!

  • canadafreeze
    March 1, 2016

    Congratulations to one of my favourite writers:-) I really enjoyed learning a little more about you, and I always look forward to what you have to say. Happy March!

  • G_Austin
    March 1, 2016

    Well deserved! So happy you are featured. I so enjoy your posts. I have not been on and searching so much as I used to but you are one that I do look for. And now I learn you are a Research Librarian to boot. Some of my favorite people!

  • torturedbutterfly
    March 1, 2016

    Congrats, liberata!!! I’ve done Zumba only once, but I loved it. It’s super cool that you know Pitbull. 🙂

  • zsuzsu
    March 1, 2016

    Congratulations on being MOTM, Barbara! I always enjoy your Sixes, and feel I’m a kindred spirit of yours, especially when it comes to Zumba fun and spiritual thought. Enjoy your special month.

  • thelotlessmonster
    March 1, 2016

    Okay, I’m going to take a chance. After bestowing great congratulations upon you……
    can your sad little avatar pic smile about this? 🙂

    • liberata
      March 1, 2016

      I don’t think of her as sad so much as pensive, lotlless. But, yes, she was definitely smiling today!

  • ADHDean
    March 1, 2016

    Liberata, it’s so great to get to know a little more about you. Your Sixes are always thoughtful and well done, as is your interview. A most deserving MOTM! Here’s to many more memoirs to come!

  • J3nny
    March 1, 2016

    Congratulations Barbara! So happy to learn more about you. A great MOTM choice for a fabulous bring-on-spring month! Looking forward to reading many more of your sixes. xo

  • bevvie
    March 1, 2016

    Kudos, Lib!

  • catsmeow
    March 1, 2016

    Yay Barbara! Thought-provoking Sixes that are often among my faves. Nice to meet you.

  • liberata
    March 1, 2016

    Wow! I’m just blown away by all of you… and it’s not the March winds! :-).
    Thanks so much, and thanks to Smith Mag!

  • Banjodan
    March 1, 2016

    Dear Barbara, it sure was great to learn more about you and I enjoy your memoirs and I appreciate all you do for Amnesty International!

  • DynamicDbytheC
    March 2, 2016

    You are a positive and dynamic part of I enjoy your memoirs and comments. I missed a few memoirs that you mentioned, which makes me long for more daily time at Smithmag. Congratulations, well deserved.

  • DynamicDbytheC
    March 2, 2016


  • Ksan
    March 2, 2016

    C’est un plaisir de te rencontrer!

    • liberata
      March 2, 2016

      C’est une communauté très sympa !

  • Ellis Reyes
    March 2, 2016

    Congratulations Liberata/Barbara!! It was wonderful getting to know a bit more about you.

  • Silken
    March 3, 2016

    Congratulations Liberta 🙂
    Grazie tanto carissima.

  • Maria Leopoldo
    March 3, 2016

    Congrats on MOTM liberata – well deserved ????
    Great memoirist and you zumba as well – I’m in awe ! ????????

  • Kharis
    March 3, 2016

    Great feature and photos. I really enjoy your insightful sixes. Congratulations 🙂

  • liberata
    March 3, 2016

    Thanks again, fellow sixers!

  • Loon
    March 12, 2016

    Nice to get to know you better…you have a rich background and you create quality sixes…keep ’em coming

  • DynamicDbytheC/DDC
    March 18, 2016

    This is your genre, indeed. Thank you for being part of the beat and harmony that we are so lucky to have at

  • Wench
    March 31, 2016

    Nice to meet you, Barbara! Which suburb? We might be neighbors! =)

    • liberata
      March 31, 2016

      Hi Wench! I live in Malvern, out in Chester County. You?

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