Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

“Shy about writing. Sixing breeds confidence.” Best Six-Word Memoirs Of The Week

Best Six (Apr 12-Apr18)-01

We are all writers in one way or another. Writing was key in the development of human society and continues to help us grow. This week, many memoirs celebrated writing—as an art, as a means of communication, and for the self (“Shy about writing. Sixing breeds confidence.”). Whether it is writing for a career (“Won writing prize for flash fiction!”) or writing with conviction (“A writer doesn’t have to apologize.”), writing keeps us sane. –Gilmarie Brioso

Best Decision:I’ve decided to write myself happy.” –liberata

Best Lifestyle Change:The writer finally grabbed the pen.” –KellyQAnderson

Most Optimistic:Shy about writing. Sixing breeds confidence.” –jrmiller

Most Visual: “Writing ‘freedom’ on this foggy mirror.” -Amapola

Most Direct:A writer doesn’t have to apologize.” -kaseycarroll

Most Accomplished:Won writing prize for flash fiction!” -Redhead2001

Plus! Check out our latest edition of Classroom Of The Month. Coleridge Taylor Montessori Elementary School used the Six-Word Memoir Project during their Literacy Week—their students created many awe-inspiring sixes (“Reading is the foundation of learning.”)!

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